Classic Rock Transcriptions is a digital sheet music retailer. We do not mail any physical products. On our website you will be able to preview the first page of any of our songs. After purchase your will receive a email with a pdf file of the entire song which you will be able to view and then print on your own printer. If your computer does not have a pdf reader installed you can get it free from adobe at

Please keep in mind that all of these songs are covered by copyright. What this means is that you are only licensed to print as many copies as your have purchased. In other words you could not buy one copy and then make copies to distribute to band members or friends. This ensures that the song writers will be paid for each copy that is distributed.

We are constantly in negotiation with publishers to bring you more great guitar driven songs from this era. All of these songs are officially licensed note for note transcriptions of the actual recordings.

Who we are

Classic Rock Transcriptions was founded by Mark Valentine for guitarists. Frustrated with the fact that it is impossible to get sheet music for many bands Classic Rock Transcriptions was founded to provide it. If you want to learn a song by the Rolling Stones or the Who you can easily get any of that music. But if you want to learn something by lesser known bands of the '70's like Quicksilver Messenger Service and many others that music has never been available in a fully authorized, completely accurate form.

We are now providing that music for you. These are note for note transcriptions of the original recordings with notes and tablature. All of the songs are officially licensed and authorized which means every sale generates a royalty for the songwriters and publishers involved. To create these transcriptions we have used one of the top professionals in the industry who has created folio's for many bands including Aerosmith, Boston, ZZ top and many more.

Don't hesitate to contact us for info or questions HERE.